Task Window
The Task window lists all the auxiliary timelines of your presentation, along with their status and triggering expression. Tasks (auxiliary timelines) may be organized in task folders.
- Tasks and task folders are added using the menu icon in the top right corner, or by using the right-click menu.
- Double-click a task’s name to open its timeline.
- Double-click a task folder to change its name
- Drag tasks vertically in the list to re-arrange their front-to-back ordering on stage. Tasks may also be
- dragged in and out of task folders and re-arranged within the folders. Additionally, you can create
- nested folders by placing folders within folders.
- Click the menu icon, or right-click within the Task window, and select “Lock Task List” to lock the task list. This prevents tasks being re-arranged, deleted or added.
NOTE: Task folders have to be collapsed before further tasks, or folders, can be placed below them.
The status of each task is shown in the Status column. An auxiliary timeline can be in either of three states, as indicated by the two buttons.
The Status column indicates a timeline’s current run mode, letting you start or stop timelines manually.
- Outlined red button and outlined green arrow: A paused timeline.
- Filled green arrow: A playing timeline.
- Filled red button: A stopped timeline. While stopped, its cues have no effect on the stage.
The Expression column shows any expression that can be used to trigger a task. An auxiliary timeline
can be started by either of the following events:
- Manually, for instance by clicking the Play symbol in the Task list.
- By external inputs, using its triggering expression (see “Expression”).
- By another timeline, using a Control cue set to target the auxiliary timeline (see “Control Cue”).
Changing the Stacking Order
An auxiliary timeline always performs in front of the main timeline on stage. When multiple auxiliary timelines are active at the same time, their front-to-back stacking order is typically controlled by their order in the Task window. To move an auxiliary timeline closer to the front, drag it towards the top of the Task window.
NOTE: This behavior can be overridden in the Timeline Settings dialog box of an auxiliary timeline. Here you can choose that it always starts out as frontmost, regardless of its position in the Task window (see “Auxiliary Timeline Settings”).