Improved sound performance in WATCHOUT with ASIO and WASAPI

The audio renderer in WATCHOUT 6.2 has been completely reworked to support ASIO and WASAPI. The result is low latency, synchronized audio playback of up to 24 channels per server with individual volume and routing. 

ASIO (Audio Stream Input Output) is a proprietary multi-channel audio interface, developed by Steinberg, which bypasses the operating system's mixing kernel to provide the lowest latency direct communication between the WATCHOUT media server and the audio interface. 

WASAPI (Windows Audio Session API) is Microsoft’s multi-channel audio interface to communicate with audio devices. WASAPI was introduced with Windows Vista™ and is supported by Windows 7 and later versions. WASAPI delivers an unmodified audio stream to a sound device, and provides similar benefits as ASIO.

From 8 to 24 audio channels per WATCHOUT server

From WATCHOUT 6.2, you have the opportunity to add up to 24 audio channels per media server. Each of the channels can be individually routed and has individual volume control. This is a huge improvement on the eight channels which was the limitation in previous versions of WATCHOUT.  

Full synchronization on 24 channels

With the new audio renderer, you are also guaranteed synchronization among all 24 output channels in a single audio track setup. With multiple audio tracks (2-24), the tracks are synchronized against the master clock . WATCHOUT is tuned to ensure optimum ASIO performance when playing back the 24 highest channels, securing low latency audio playback.

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