ShowcasesSport stadium, Turkey
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Stadium's virtual crowd boosts morale

Matches at Vodafone Park, Istanbul, are normally played in front of some 42 000 spectators, but during the pandemic, the stands have gaped empty. To provide a valuable morale boost to teams, who would otherwise play in a deserted arena, the stadium commissioned a 100 m by 2 m LED display area to show images of fans during games. The WATCHOUT-powered courtside display was inaugurated in January 2021 and has been used in major matches throughout the season ever since.

Working closely with stadium’s technical team, video content producer and LED screen supplier, SK Production set up the WATCHOUT system to manage content and for remote control of the display area. The company also operates the system during events.

“In this project, we integrated WATCHOUT as eight outputs,” explains Sergen Kurt, SK Production, who has over 10 years’ experience working with WATCHOUT on various projects. “Technologically we did not face any difficulties; WATCHOUT met all our expectations. In this integration, we use the virtual display feature which really makes our job easier!”

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