ShowcasesNorthern Lights, UK
Norhern Lights York Minster crowds 5

Northern Lights inspire in medieval cathedral

Medieval stained glass and 21stcentury technology united in Northern Lights, the sell-out sound and light installation by The Projection Studio team. The installation debuted in June 2018 and returned to York Minster, one of the world’s most magnificent cathedrals, in October 2019 by popular demand.

Taking its creative cue from the Minster’s stained glass and stone, Northern Lights transformed the cathedral’s cavernous nave, immersing viewers in images and audio. Renowned projectionist Ross Ashton and sound artist Karen Monid designed the installation which helped raise funds to restore the cathedral’s medieval stained glass. The Minster is home to the largest collection of medieval stained glass in the UK and boasts 128 windows – all of which need to be protected from the elements.

Neil Sanderson, Director of the York Minster Fund (YMF), said: “We were overwhelmed with the response to the installation when it debuted, not just the hugely positive reaction to the projection events but also the heartfelt support for the campaign to protect the Minster’s unrivalled collection of medieval glass.

“The events allowed people to see and interact with this spectacular building in a new way while supporting a campaign which will help ensure this amazing collection of medieval stained glass – the largest in the country – is protected for generations to come."

Shown twice per evening during its one-week run, Northern Lights was programmed in Dataton WATCHOUT and presented with eight Panasonic 17000 lumens projectors. The specially created soundscapes, featuring recordings from the York Minster Choir, heightened the effect for visitors as they wandered the length of the cathedral. 

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