
Mapping mania in Chile

October 2017, Chile: The people of Santiago streamed to view the winning contribution in the second leg of the eight-city Latin American Mapping Challenge. Proyección de Ideas, from Santiago, were awarded the honors for their vibrant WATCHOUT show on the theme of "Latin America in Colors". Their eight-minute spectacular ran on six large-venue Epson projectors and lit up the Chilean National Museum of Fine Arts in the city center – to the delight of the estimated 6000 spectators who filled the road and park in front of the museum.

"This is a great opportunity to merge technology and culture in a free show for the community, introducing new ways of making art by offering these types of shows to the residents. With the National Museum of Fine Arts as stage, the Mapping Challenge show will be experienced by many people,” said Soledad Camps, Marketing Manager of Epson Chile.

The Mapping Challenge contest is presented by Epson Latin America with the support of Dataton WATCHOUT. Audiovisual artists (mappers) from throughout Latin America submitted contributions and eight winners were selected to showcase their art on the facades of iconic buildings in Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Rodrigo Morel and Juan Carlos Vidal from Proyección de Ideas received the award for Chile.

“We are excited to represent Chile from a local company in such an emblematic and beautiful building as the National Museum of Fine Arts. This will remain as a landmark in our history. It is a great opportunity to be able to make this project with a high-level technical support,” said Juan Carlos Vidal of Proyección de Ideas.

The winning show was followed by a cavalcade of contributions to the Küze mapping festival, an extra – and much appreciated – visual bonanza for the spectators. 

Thanks as always to the outstanding tech crew onsite who make it all possible: entire Epson Latin America team; Adela Kriland at Omagica for everything to do with WATCHOUT and Luminamotion for staging. 

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