
Morgan Wong

Morgan Wong is support lead at Dataton HQ. He is also part of the Dataton Academy team and a Dataton Certified Trainer.  Prior to joining Dataton in Sweden, Morgan was the Dataton product specialist for APAC, and the founder of Look Great Visual (LGV), an AV consultancy company based in Hong Kong, providing services across south east Asia. Morgan has extensive experience as project manager, responsible for planning, on-site execution and tech support. He has been working with the Dataton product range for some 20  years during which he has successfully supported Dataton with training, sales and support worldwide.

Morgan Wong is a graduate in Digital Media and has a broad experience from high end visualization systems across Asia. His portfolio contains live event work for clients like VW, Toyota, Cartier, Lancôme, H.I.S, exhibition work for National Geographic, the World Expo 2010, and a wide range of fixed install consultancy for customers like LagunaTenBosch Theme Park, LaneCrawford and Kerry Logistics Centre.

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